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    After the many messages about IKB reloaded 'the complete cock up' I have to make some clear:

    Statement about IKB3 Reloaded update:

    About the update itself, which can seen as almost brand new..
    -The route is completely overworked. With a 40 km long new line added.
    -Hundreds of new assets, old assets are overworked.
    -almost all Kuju assets are replaced
    -Many of the old foliage is replaced. New 3D trees, grasses, bushes.
    -Track sounds are custom
    -3D tracks replaces the old ones.
    -new catenary
    -up to date and new signal scripts.
    -new sounds for rolling stock.
    -and more...
    -Made with love and passion for the 'story of IKB' Almost all scene's in the route can be rediscovered, time went on.

    About the kind of route this is:
    -If you only want to drive long boring tracks with elevation and perfection, please IKB is not for you, but is it a 'NO-GO' for everyone. It is a game to me..IKB is a scenic detailed route, for the ones who love the story in it. Otherwise try the real thing and apply for a new job.
    -This route has partly elevation. But I say again, it is a route which cannot be compared to real-world routes. It is something complete different.

    About the price:
    -The new price is adjusted to today's standard.
    -IKB3 Reloaded buyers will get it for free. Older users (before 2016) often bought it on very low prices, have to buy it again.
    -We worked almost 3 years on this version. It is not a update , like others, only deleting some bugs or editing some scripts.. it is almost a brand new route.
    -We won't get rich of this IKB 'cow'. The price is honest. Many developers maby produce many new routes, but they often recycle more assets and trains like we did in IKB...
    -For 3055 assets and 140 km of very detailed track for 30 euro's is is a good price. In comparison with DTG we are not that bad....
    -Giving it for free for all users would give some this route for 5 or 10 euro's..while they bought it for that price many years ago..we had to draw a line here..

    About the release:
    -Aerosoft messed up all. We tested it with a large team. The test reports were good, and also YT 'let's play'-gamers did love the route...and its quality.
    -Aerosoft did not test the installer. All problems are their fault. Please send them mail...

    About the people who have opinions:
    -please read the facts above. Opinions are not always facts, please be informed.
    -(personal from Siegfried) If you don't like my work: Fine. Is it needed to let me know, like I don't have feelings? It is like a child to me.. is it needed to call it names?
    -Please think before you become angry, is it worth to destroy the joy of those who make stuff for this small market?
    -try it yourself.

    For those who are disappointed due the errors of Aerosoft:
    -We are really sorry, and disappointed as well...
    -We are working on a solution. Aerosoft is informed...but as you know, they are not that quick...

    Thanks for your understanding. And of course problems will be solved, and those who bought it will get their copy of IKB, which and that is my opinion, a great route.
    (if any supporter can translate this in german, i will be gratefull)

    Statement about IKB3 Reloaded update

    About the update itself, which can seen as almost brand new..
    -The route is completely overworked. With a 40 km long new line added.
    -Hundreds of new assets, old assets are overworked.
    -almost all Kuju assets are replaced
    -Many of the old foliage is replaced. New 3D trees, grasses, bushes.
    -Track sounds are custom
    -3D tracks replaces the old ones.
    -new catenary
    -up to date and new signal scripts.
    -new sounds for rolling stock.
    -and more...
    -Made with love and passion for the 'story of IKB' Almost all scene's in the route can be rediscovered, time went on.

    About the kind of route this is:
    -If you only want to drive long boring tracks with elevation and perfection, please IKB is not for you, but is it a 'NO-GO' for everyone. It is a game to me..IKB is a scenic detailed route, for the ones who love the story in it. Otherwise try the real thing and apply for a new job.
    -This route has partly elevation. But I say again, it is a route which cannot be compared to real-world routes. It is something complete different.

    About the price:
    -The new price is adjusted to today's standard.
    -IKB3 Reloaded buyers will get it for free. Older users (before 2016) often bought it on very low prices, have to buy it again.
    -We worked almost 3 years on this version. It is not a update , like others, only deleting some bugs or editing some scripts.. it is almost a brand new route.
    -We won't get rich of this IKB 'cow'. The price is honest. Many developers maby produce many new routes, but they often recycle more assets and trains like we did in IKB...
    -For 3055 assets and 140 km of very detailed track for 30 euro's is is a good price. In comparison with DTG we are not that bad....
    -Giving it for free for all users would give some this route for 5 or 10 euro's..while they bought it for that price many years ago..we had to draw a line here..

    About the release:
    -Aerosoft messed up all. We tested it with a large team. The test reports were good, and also YT 'let's play'-gamers did love the route...and its quality.
    -Aerosoft did not test the installer. All problems are their fault. Please send them mail...

    About the people who have opinions:
    -please read the facts above. Opinions are not always facts, please be informed.
    -(personal from Siegfried) If you don't like my work: Fine. Is it needed to let me know, like I don't have feelings? It is like a child to me.. is it needed to call it names?
    -Please think before you become angry, is it worth to destroy the joy of those who make stuff for this small market?
    -try it yourself.

    For those who are disappointed due the errors of Aerosoft:
    -We are really sorry, and disappointed as well...
    -We are working on a solution. Aerosoft is informed...but as you know, they are not that quick...

    Thanks for your understanding. And of course problems will be solved, and those who bought it will get their copy of IKB, which and that is my opinion, a great route.
    (if any supporter can translate this in german, i will be gratefull)

    The most things are said here.. Thanks guys.
    Earosoft had made a mistake (again) . The did not update the product page right.

    If the release is repaired I will make a message on FB.

    Ikb3 reloaded buyers will get it free, others who did buy it longer ago not. We had to make that choice, because otherwise we could not even pay the electricity bills of it.. while older users could buy the route for 5 euro’s a few years ago...

    Sorry for the ‘messing up’ due to Aerosoft...

    Hallo Berliner079, IKB ist nicht Tod. Wir brauchen nur Zeit unsere Arbeit abzuschließen. Das Update ist sehr umfangreich, falls du uns auf unserer Facebookseite folgst weißt du das auch.
    Wenn du die Bilder mit der alten Streckenversion vergleichst wirst du auch sehen, dass hier ein Stein auf den alten steht
    Ebenfalls wurde die komplette Assetstruktur geändert, sodass sich alle benötigten Assets nun unter Assets/SAD2016 befinden.
    Wir haben uns für diesen Schritt entschlossen, damit keinerlei Probleme mehr generiert werden zwischen den verschiedenen Assets-Versionen.
    Uns sind keinerlei Probleme bekannt. Wir konnten bis jetzt alle Probleme lösen, die uns gemeldet wurden. Wenn uns allerdings keiner anschreibt können wir auch nicht helfen.
    Hast du dein Problem schon an den Aerosoft Support gemeldet? Falls nicht steht auch dieser Weg dir offen.

    Very interesting!

    They did never pay me for my assets in their routes, and when i attended them, the accused me for slander and threatened me with a laywer... interesting, but it seems to be normal with GBE to work this way (in the past) ;) com

    Especially this will cause crashes as reported :) A wrong sample rate, a wrong bit resolution, and some other artifacts from different audio editing suites can cause TS to crash immediately without any message.

    This will not guarantee you to not have broken assets. If you miss a needed entry or make a wronge entry into a source BP, the BPE will export most of these mistakes without any error message. You indeed had/have some very "ugly" mistakes within your assets on the IKB versions around. Most of them are missing entity nodes in BPs, and they can cause TS to crash as reported.

    Maik, please come with some evidence. Not 'some', or 'most', or 'ugly'. If you can find these bugs, report them to me directly. How could it be that so many assets are broken in some of our installations, and while others can record a HD video for a hour in IKB without any crash? If a car has a broken engine, nobody can drive it, so a broken asset can't be loaded in any installation. I think your statement is buggy too.
    Missing entity nodes? What kind of assets? When I make and test a asset, all must be right, otherwise it would crash my TS too, I really want evidence with some bin files wich causes the crashes. Please ask Jan as you said, and report me. He does have a lot of experience with bugs in his own routes too, so he can tell you which assets causes the problems.

    -The Dav files are under attention, it is very strange that TS does load them and plays them, but somethimes not or maby crashes..
    -Not mentioned problem is that some particles emmitters are bugged after DTG did change some in the core game. A low setting in the particle emitter blueprint was not supported anymore, so older particles do not work anymore. It did not crash my TS, but I changed the most of them.

    Nein, habe da nicht wissentlich dran herumgefummelt. Nur eben Repaints usw installiert. Gefühlt will ja jedes Szenario eines der 100 Repaints für die olle 294 von Kuju.Wenn ich jetzt ne Steam-Überprüfung mache oder das ELAP neu installiere, ist die ganze Arbeit dahin, d.h. ich müsste alles neu installieren. Das sehe ich nicht ein. Dann verzichte ich lieber auf IKB.

    Note: I do not speak german properly, I am Dutch, so forgive me If I did anyone understand wrong. Just remember: I love my work, so I feel the need to protect it against attacks without proper evidence.

    You speak about my work like it is all crap. You paid 10 euro's for a product which costs me Thousands of hours of work. Can you imagine this does not make me happy?
    Why did you buy it anyway if you hate routes like this? Please delete it and go back to the boring routes of DTG, which Always works.. (NOT) And think before you speak about my work like it is a Big Mac which didn't taste good.
    To the others I can say this:
    -IKB is build with the highest attention for detail and performance. My assets are not bugged, the are made in MAX , and bugged assets are not exported anyway. Even Lua scripts are denied when errors are in it.
    -My assets are made with love, and are never hasty. So Maik, look at the details of Jan's assets for a difference.
    -My assets are used in other routes. I got never paid for it(GBE ripped me, Aerosoft got a free license) , so complain at the adres by those who are to lazy to make assets themselves.
    -Crahes can occur with an messed up ELAP. If changes are made to the ELAP, nobody can't give me the blame for it. If you mess around in a product or its dependences, you have no right to claim anymore.
    -The route is tested before releasing, and it works on most systems normally.
    -I did not mess around in the source files. The only edited bin files are the files which refers to the Kuju files in the ELAP. (ground textures, track sounds, and one loft using a pylon) So come with evidence that this could cause the dump only.

    -only possible bugs/problems I can imagine:
    +out of mem due to changed sound files in ELAP.
    +dav file error in my files. Some wav files are exported wrong and only supported in compability mode, but I don't know this causes crashes.
    +missing ground textures if route is copied or cloned.
    +out of mem in the cities of Koblitz and Bd Rinckenburg, depending what amount of trains are loaded.
    +out of mem when large textures are used in the Foliage Pack of the ELAP, and not the original ones.

    In next version many Kuju assets are replaced by mine, Al vegetation is replaced by new 3D and 2D assets. All these assets uses less poly's and textures. Sounds are replaced too.
    I did not react in this Forum for a long while, and I know why... Such negative and arrogant people who think 10 euro's for a Sim product gives them the right to be such rude. If this product would be really would cost at least 100 euro's. It is a small is not GTA.
    Thanks for those who take the time to react with solutions. I will go back to the drawingboard, making more bugged assets. For those wo like this short (100km) new version of my 'fansatic' route, I will work with love. For those who think I only make rubbish, go back to the safe stuff of DTG and sleep well...

    Maik. Glad you exactly know I work, I mess around with all Blueprints! Of course...evidence? Of course there could be a bugged asset, but this is not the average. I work different, but I am not a noob. You really made me angry, you or Jan could contact me directly, like Roman saved the bugged route of Jan, you could also choose the more polite way. Pissed off.

    Hello guys,

    I have read some of the comments to my small announcement.
    I know some people would like to see routes which aren't fictional.
    I see it this way:

    If I want it for everything would be perfect to the real world...I should become a train driver. Whatever you do..Train Simulation will be far from reality. For most of the users (KB did sell quite good for me, so still a lot) i think my routes are like playing with model trains. For me technical details are less interesting. That does not mean, I don't want to invest in that part. (so i will use the help to make trackwork etc... better)
    But will never be.

    I am more like a artist, taking a lot of time, and trying to finish a project, even when technical thing changes...
    I have seen a lot of routes which were never finished. But this project will be my last in this kind. Next route will be from reality! After these years I am ready for that. Detail and reality in one, but keeping performance in mind (this route runs at 50fps on my 2009 PC)

    I told that my route will be different from the DTG/RSC routes. So not technical perfect (at this stage), but with a lot more eye for detail and 'flair' For example DTG uses every route the same trees, bushes, some made in 2008 by Kuju! If you drive in US, Germany or Japan, Always the same trees? Good routes in a other way, but I am bored seeing the same for 120 km...

    At last. People looking for a technical perfect train and route have the right asking for a route like that. I can't offer that, but no offence! I understand it. Maby once I can combine both needs: love and reality!

    I am going for a holiday, but i will come back! Meanwhile i will think about all the comments and offers.
    I think I am going to give somebody the option to change the 'network/tracks' before I will finish the scenery part. I am not that proud that my work may not be changed or adapted.

    by the way: most of route does have 'Überhöhung', but the percentage(angle) is not set good in the bleuprint. They are too small at the moment.


    Siegfried. SAD

    Ich hoffe Aerosoft vergreift sich nicht an der Strecke, Köln-Düsseldorf war ja gruselig genug. ^^

    I think there are a lot improvements made after that route. It was the first German route made after the release of Rail Sim in 2008 I can remember.
    The idea in this forum to have a team which will test the route after finishing not a bad idea. A route should work at not after many updates.
    I this stage all options are still open. Unfortunately i can't do everthing myself, i need help by signalling the route. (no signals are every option is still possible)

    Thanks for all the kind words.

    Are you using the catenary tool with homebuilt gantry parts?

    Yes, al objects are custom, homemade. For the catenary I used to sets, normal and auto catenary. In the dense city area (made before autocatenary came to live) the older version, outside the city and the end station of the ICE line the Autocatenary.


    Hello guys,

    After a few years of silence I have been returned to announce a new route for Train Simulator 2014.
    It's a route full of nostalgic feelings, but also very modern.
    Please look at my blog to see some screenshots from the past. The route will be finished and published by Aerosoft. (no date of release set)
    in detail:
    -40 km of S-bahn
    -30 km Nebenbahn, non-electrified.
    -branch lines and Industrial lines, yards.
    -36 km IC en RE line
    -70 km ICE (250km/h) line.
    -lines come together in the a large city.
    -1200 new assets, 100% custom foliage, for a total other experience besides the DTG add-ons.

    Go and see my blog:

    Greetz SAD

    Some shots out of my route:

    more to come...

    If you use the announcement for in the train : 'nachster halt Kobler wald' these sound only sounds in cab.
    When I mean the sounds which announce the approaching train in Koblitz like...'vorsicht bei die abfahrt' these sound only sound only on a certain time. These times are in the description of the bin-file when moving yout mouse over the assetlist in the editor.

    Good luck.


    I wil give it a try when I have some time for it. (I use very old fashioned and slow ways to do this) Thanks for working links. SAD. At the moment work takes all time, when i have some spare time I will use it first for my current project...that's the reason it seems that I have been gone on the forum. But I am still fully in RW.

    Regards SAD

    Hallo Hallo

    Wenn ich das Update Koblitzer Bergland beende ich versuchen, dieses Problem zu lösen, obwohl ich denke, es ist nicht lebensbedrohlich. Ich habe keine rw-Tools, damit mir nicht bekannt.

    Die heute verfügbaren Informationen in deutscher Sprache finden Sie hier.
    (Is there a moderator who would make a link to this document in the download area?)

    Gruß Siegfried.

    Mit dank am Martin, für die Deutsche ubersetzung!

    Danke füt ihre update Daniel, Arbeit muss sich lohnen!

    @ Daniel - Maby it is a idea to bundle all you scenario's when finished in one download with some new scenario assets from me, must be a must-have then! You scenario's have so much detail in instructions and scenario scenery, I could not do that with my German skills ,SAD

    Great SAD, now we can start to build routes, tracks look still nice and it runs fluently!!!

    One minor question regarding the Rbf Bad Rinckenburg in Köblitzer Bergland: The two beautiful abandonned signal boxes are disapeard after the new update? Are there still available somwhere or did you remove them. Best!

    Thanks for posting! I will look at the signal boxes..The are only in the germanlocal/addon1 in the payware version, so they should not be gone.. Maby something is chnaged in the bleuprints.pak, so I can't be found. Please try the log function when starting RW3. Maby deleting bleuprints.pak may solve it.

    To all the others, thanks for posting. When problems occur, please keep reporting. Even when I won't reply, I always read it and keep it in mind.

    Regards SAD

    google sagt:

    Dank für die nachricht! Ich werde das Signal aussehen .. Die Boxen sind nur in der germanlocal/addon1 in der Payware-Version, .. sie sollten nicht weg sein.Vielleicht etwas ist in der bleuprints.pak erandert, so es kann ich nicht gefunden werden. Bitte versuchen Sie die Logmate-Funktion beim Start RW
    Löschen die bleuprints.pak (im SAD/Germanlocal)

    Um alle anderen, vielen Dank für Entsendung. Tritt auf, wenn Probleme, halten Sie bitte die Berichterstattung. Gerade als ich nicht antworten, ich habe immer gelesen und denken Sie daran.

    Mfg SAD

    @ Danie86: einfach die alte Version downloaden, dann die rwp mit 7zip entpacken, dort den Network-Ordner aus Assets/SAD/ kopieren und in dem entsprechenden Ordner deiner RailWorks-Installation einfügen.

    Bei mir ist kein wirklicher Unterschied zwischen den 3D und 2D Gleisen festzustellen (eher laufen die alten besser), aber ich muss dazusagen, dass ich seit dem Kauf einer neuen Grafikkarte mit den 3D Gleisen eh keine allzu starken Probleme mehr hatte. Aber irgendwie sind meine fps trotzdem nicht so toll auf der Strecke (hatte mir verfrüht mehr erhofft).


    Can you maby make a test, copy the old tracks back, and look if fps with the same settings, scnenario and place are different?
    Maby it can also influenced by the textures. The new tracks are using more textures. (bump map). I also bought a new graphic card, with the old tracks it worked fine, but not when many tracks were in scene. Now it is much more smoothly. If you have some results of the test, please inform me. In the are the producer of all those great scenario's we need! So willing to help you!


    Seltsam .. Daniel,

    Können Sie maby eine Testkopie wieder die alte Tracks und schauen, ob fps mit den gleichen Einstellungen, scnenario und Ort sind anders?
    Auch maby kann es durch die Texturen Beeinflusst. Die neuen Tracks sind mit Texturen. (Bump-Map). Auch kaufte ich mir eine neue Grafikkarte, mit den alten Spuren Es funktionierte gut, aber nicht viele Tracks wurden in Wenn-Szene. Jetzt ist es viel ruhiger. Wenn Sie einige Ergebnisse des Tests haben, informieren Sie mich bitte. Am Ende .. Sie sind der Produzent oder die tollen Szenarien brauchen wir! So bereit, Ihnen zu helfen!



    The station building is changed.. I did not like the windows at night. The concrete building of the 70s is demolished...only the concrete construction has left. In Koblitzer Bergland it will be replaced by a new station...

    The drop of fps in your case maby caused by the TSX machine. The lightning takes a lot of power..that's why I replaced the tracks, so the savings of this are used for the TSX things. Maby you could adapt your settings (game and graphic card) for this. Please report your tests. I still have no answer of the LOD problems of my tracks are on all computers the same. My route did looked like a dia show in RW3 the first time, especially when TSX was switched off !!????

    The name problem in the route properties. I did see it when packing the route..the manager did say ??? and no name was shown. I have altered the xml file in the bin editor, maby it is damaged. Does it harm the game?


    Hallo Leute, eisenbahnfreunde.

    Please report problems here..
    Of course in german, I can read it quite good. Of course others can reply.
    Have fun with the update,

    Siegfried, SAD


    StS has explained it right. I had to choose between performance and detailing. For those who don't want this solution, there are options. (Do they have extreme computers, or does the bug only occur on some PC's)
    I have to say it again, it is a bug. My LOD settings were made so, that only near view sleepers are fully detailed. But now, to many sleepers are fully detailed causing a dia-show.
    In the asset folder with my tracks all files are still in place, even the 3d sleepers and textures. They can easily used again, or when the bug is fixed updated by me or others. You only have to keep the orginal bin files and copy them back over the updated version. Then everything is normal again. (except the sleeper of concrete tracks, this one was simplified a little to reduce the number of polys)

    The new tracks are made of the orginal textures and the rails is still 3D. The Rail top uses the new shader for the 'glanz' effect. Trackbeds all have bump maps, looking good in dark light. New tunnel track with new shader, giving a clampy effect when the train with it's lights entering the tunnel.

    Here some pictures of the tracks in game:

    Greetz SAD

    Hi to all,

    Sorry for letting you wait so long.. the situation is now:

    -version 1.2 for Koblitzer Bergland is changed again. ( I was still not satisfied with the results, so I changed tracks again)
    -I have changed the tracks to 2D tracks on base of my own tracks. No visible change in train, but a lot better FPS, giving more fun playing.
    -I have improved Altenburg-Wildau for TS2012 (except trackworkd etc, so older scenario's should still work), with also the new tracks and many lightning effects in tunnels and at night.

    The bad news... version 1.2 is still not ready for download.

    The good news: Altenburg-WIldau update will be at this weekend (in the night from saturday to sunday, i will upload the stuff)
    of course for free. Tracks are included, scenery items improved, new version of Liebherr engine included. After installing this update for Altenburg Wildau, also Im Koblizter Bergland will work a lot better.

    Thanks for waiting,
